I've had awful roommate experiences, so I'm trying to learn from them. The first month of having a new roommate is trial and error for me. I over-analyze quite a bit, so I try to figure out my roommates schedule/routine so I don't butt heads with her (especially with my overnight job. this usually causes problems.) So far, so good. Although she says she doesn't mind that I sleep during the day, I've tried to give her the curtesy of sleeping at my boyfriends house today since I know she is still unpacking. I know I wouldn't want to be packing next to a sleeping roommate.
I'm hoping this works out because she's such a sweet girl (and she's my sorority sister) and I have yet to have that roommate/best friend everyone talks about finding in college. Here's my breakdown of my past roommates...
1. The Bad Ass: We started off as friends before moving in together, but soon realized we weren't as compatible as we thought. She was a party gal, and I'm the tied down girlfriend who she found boring and "ruining her groove" as someone put it. The straw that broke the camels back? Finding out that when I was gone for the weekend she got caught with a bong in our dorm room when I specifically asked her not to bring it to school.
2. The Bipolar Clinger: Midway through the year me and Bad Ass went separate ways and I was moved into another room down the hall with Bipolar Clinger. She was (I'm sorry, is still) a sweet girl, but she had some attachment issues. She hated her previous roommate just as much as I hated mine, so we quickly bonded over this. After the "honeymoon" period ended, we basically did everything together. The main problem? Our schedules. She NEVER took naps and hated when I did. But, in my defense, I can't help it. I work overnights. I need to sleep sometime, right? We ended the semester in a bitter note, without even saying goodbye. I partly take the blame for this falling out. I should have reached out and talked about it, but that's that.
I'm hoping this one will work out for obvious reasons. Did you guys have any crazy roommates?
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