Monday, July 26, 2010

R.I.P God (my blackberry)

I've never been torn with such opposite emotions. Last night I was called into work right as I was going to bed. Apparently, I was scheduled but they never emailed me the schedule. Awesome. Then, after sleeping for 6 hours, I wake up and my phone is in pieces on the floor. The lovely, adorable puppy found it on the bed and decided that it would be a great chew toy.

I wish I could show you guys the damage he's done to my phone, but alas I have no way of taking pictures. My poor blackberry is just in ruins. The top part of the phone is all chewed up. He punctured the screen multiple times and tore up all the rubber on the side.

So this post is dedicated to my blackberry, which I named God after the GPS telling me EXACTLY when traffic hits down the seconds. It was nice having it for the short 5 months. Tear, tear. I don't know what I'm going to do as of now. I'll be phone-less for a while until I figure out what I'm going to do.

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