Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sweet Pea

sweet pea arrangement

It seems as if my summer has just started, but in reality it is basically over. I am all packed up to move back down to Newport News after a lengthy 2 month stay at my folks. Am I excited to leave? Yes and no.

I can't wait to move back down and actually have a life again! I miss having friends everywhere I go. I miss going to class (yes, honestly I do). I miss B and spending time with him. That's probably what I miss the most. Long distance relationships are no joking matter. They're intense, stressful, and it seriously takes a toll on me.

Yet, there's something different about going back down for school this summer. I feel like I have made so much progress with my family. I hate leaving them when I feel that I have just started establishing something so great with them. I'm afraid that, if I leave, I have to start all over again.

There really is no point in dwelling on all of this. I leave this Thursday. I have everything packed up ready to go. I'm supposed to be having the time of my life. Everyone says these are the best years to discover who you are and develop as a human being. I have every intention of doing just that. Living my life the way I see fit and exploring every avenue, every opportunity until I know what I'm all about.

On the agenda for the second half of my summer include a trip to St. Louis with D, Jack Johnson concert with B (I can check one more off of my music bucket list!), a surprise that B has yet to divulge, and (hopefully) interning at The Meridian Group.

The last one is a work in progress. I have an interview coming up next week and I'm hoping all goes well and they offer me an internship. I am so ridiculously nervous that I keep going through a list of facts about the company just to make sure I know their background as well as they know my resume. I'll make sure to update on how that went, what I wore, etc.

I hope all of your summers are jam packed with fun stories! I feel like I have just begun mine.

ps. sweet pea is my favorite flower and will forever remind me of summer. this site has a cute way of arranging sweet peas around the house and using it as a center piece or decorations. obsessed? i think yes.


  1. I've never bought sweet peas before. Right now, I have a big bunch of peonies :)

  2. I believe they're super easy to grow indoors! Better yet, the more you pick at them the more they blossom.
